Being Mindful of the Present : Top Tips for Living in the Now
If you have trouble living in the now because of anxiety or stress, You will get all the information you need to start living a better life.

Live for the moment: a cookie-cutter inspirational quote that looks great as a wall hanging, tattoo, or Instagram caption. Chances are you hear this phrase a lot, but what does it actually mean? More importantly, how can you truly implement living in the now?
Staying present in the moment and living mindfully every day is easier said than done, especially in the full-speed-ahead lifestyle of the 21st Century. The thing is, it is worth trying. Living mindfully in the moment can change your life, elevate your happiness, and help you learn more about yourself and the people around you.
You don’t need to take a month-long self-discovery trip or become a yogi master overnight to accomplish this simple but monumental life goal- you just need an open mind. Here are three basic things that anyone can do to learn how to stay mindful and live in the present moment.
Tip One: Practice Breathing Exercises
It might sound cliché, but meditation does work. We don’t mean losing yourself in a deep trance- that is a misconception and not what most meditation is about. By simply connecting to your breathing, you are already meditating. You can do it anywhere, anytime, whenever the notion strikes.
If you have trouble living in the now because of anxiety or stress, this is a great technique to try. Next time you find yourself thinking too much about what happens next rather than enjoying where you are right now, close your eyes and listen to your breath. As you breathe, think about where you are and what you are thankful for at that moment.
Tip Two: Make Small Daily Goals for Yourself And You Will Start Living in the Now Before You Know It
Planning is not always a bad thing, and it can actually help you stay mindful if you take things a small step at a time. Making a few goals each day that you want to achieve can help you connect with your life and make deliberate choices.
People who find themselves feeling a bit lost can reconnect with their present using this technique. Remember, a small daily goal can be anything from doing the laundry to reaching out to an old friend.
Tip Three: Keep a Thought Journal
Journals have real value for anyone interested in connecting with their present lives more. Writing down thoughts and feelings you have throughout the day helps you to better acknowledge and recognize yourself and your life.
It doesn’t even matter what you write- as long as it matters to you now, at the moment you are currently living. At the end of each day, week, or month, you can reflect on your journal and maybe learn something about yourself.
What Is the Ultimate Goal? – Living in the Now
The purpose of mindful, present living is to connect with your life rather than missing out on things because your mind is too far into the future. There are three pieces of advice to follow if this is your goal:
- Don’t be afraid to disconnect
- Take time to savor the small things
- Balance in life is everything
You don’t need to be 100% mindful 100% of the time, but taking time out of each day to appreciate the now has untold psychological and emotional benefits.
Why not try these manageable daily tasks to mindfully live in the moment and see how it can change your world.
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