The beginning of the year is the perfect time to decide where your life is going and take stock of its happenings. You will always get the same results if you keep doing the stuff you have always done. No matter how you look at it, change is always challenging, whether it be quitting your job for a better one, waking up with motivation, or trying to force yourself to get up early and exercise. Making New Year’s Resolutions can help you find the right way for you.
Chances are you attempted that last year. If it worked, that is excellent! If it didn’t, that is why you are reading this.
Below we have listed seven steps to take when writing down your new year’s resolutions that will help you stick to them.
Write Your New Year Resolutions Down
You need to start to make a list of everything you need, such as money to pay for your car or rent. Then make a list of everything you want, like charisma, a new car, or six-pack abs.
Once the list has been composed, ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I want this?
- Is it detailed?
- Does this contradict any other resolutions?
- Would this conflict with others?
- Is it positive, instead of negative?
- Can a human being achieve this?
- Is it high enough?
- Do I include the personal changes I need to make?
- Have I written each goal as if it’s already been accomplished?
Read Your New Year’s Resolutions Twice a Day
The act of repetition helps you to establish a routine when it comes to achieving your goals. It’s good to look at your resolutions and leave enough space to comment on completed plans or add new ones.
Say Your Resolutions Out Loud
Standing in front of a mirror and reading your resolutions out loud is the best way to affirm yourself of the goals you are working towards.
Visualize Achieving Your New Year’s Resolutions as You Read
Visualize each resolution every time you read to from your list. Picture yourself feeling the powerful acceleration of your new car, seeing your new abs when you look in the mirror, or hearing the crashing of the wave as you sit at your new beach home.
Make Resolutions Positive
Positivity is key to success in life and can go a long way when achieving your goals. Don’t cloud your resolutions negatively, and always strive for the best outcome.
Make Them About Your Only
Your resolutions are yours and yours alone. Please don’t make it about other people as this will only hinder reaching your goals.
New Year’s Resolutions – Make Them Detailed
The more detailed your resolutions are, the better! More important information can help you visualize your results more manageable and help you achieve them faster.
Think of it as writing a purchase order for your mind! It’s like telling yourself to go out and get it no matter what happens.
The new year is a great time to realize your potential and set new goals. By writing down your New Year’s resolutions, you can achieve what you have always wanted and make your family proud.
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