20 Scientific Ways to Stay Motivated
Naked Nutrition came up with these 20 ways to stay motivated throughout your day. If you've been struggling to focus, these tips might help.

You are not alone, lots of people struggle to stay motivated. Here are some tips to help you achieve the goal
Stay Motivated – Simplify Your Goals
Instead of seeing your goals as a huge thing that you must achieve, it is better to cut them down into small tasks that you can tackle with much more ease.
Plan Ahead
Try to plan out your days or weeks in advance, as this structure may motivate you to follow through.
Stop Comparing Yourself
You must only compare yourself to your past versions. No one has had the same life as you, which is why they aren’t going to have the same results.
Send Updates
Keep your friends updated on your advancements, no matter if they’re big or small. This may give you the motivation to keep going.
Reward Yourself Immediately
It is known as a cool psychological trick that if you reward yourself immediately after doing a task, you can trick your brain into being excited to do it.
Try Heroic Music
Listening to heroic or motivational music may give you the boost you need to tackle the challenges that your day may give you.
Gamify It
Set some goals throughout your day and reward yourself every time you achieve one. This may turn a boring routine into a fun game.
Stay Motivated – Get a Dog
Pets are a huge source of motivation for their owners, and they also make you much more active than the average person.
Stay Motivated – Think Positive
If you begin to expect that only good things may come your way and that everything is going to turn out alright, you’re going to live a much more happy and more enjoyable life.
Join a Group
Finding a community that’s interested in the same things as you is one great way of staying committed to your goals in that area of life.
Stay Motivated – Sign a Contract
Make an agreement with a friend that can make you follow up on your advancements.
Define Goals
It has been proven that well-defined and realistic goals are easier to follow.
Check-in Daily
Make a daily check-in on how much you’ve advanced. This may help you estimate how your next advancements should be.
Strike a Power Pose
Simply stand like a superhero for a few minutes a day. This can help you feel powerful.
Stay Motivated – Be S.M.A.R.T
Use the S.M.A.R.T methodology to plan and tackle your goals.
It’s Better Finished than Perfect
Don’t over-focus on the details. Instead, try to finish what you have already started.
Stay Motivated – Wear Clothes that Make You Feel Confident
If you “dress for the role,” it can help you get in the mood you need for tackling your challenges.
Take Strategic Breaks
You can use a technique like Pomodoro to make sure you’re getting the rest you need while remaining productive.
Stay Motivated – Eat Brain Foods
Foods like nuts, fish, and leafy greens have been proven to be super-foods that help your cognitive processes.
Take a Walk
Sometimes all you need is some time with yourself and your thoughts to rest from a hard day.
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